Scottish Government and health and social care bodies
The Neurological Alliance of Scotland represents neurological charities on a range of groups and projects.
Some of the most important projects that are happening at the moment are:
National Advisory Committee on Neurological Conditions (NACNC)
This is the Scottish Government’s advisory group on neurological policies. It includes NHS and social care professionals and managers, third sector professionals, people with neurological conditions and carers. The chair and vice chair represent the Alliance on the NACNC.
Visit the National Advisory Committee's webpage.
NHS HIS General Standards on Neurological Care and Support
These Standards were developed by NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS). They are a guide for those from health, social care and the third sector who support people living with neurological conditions, to demonstrate that they are delivering high quality services.
The Standards were published in March 2019. Read the Standards.
Scottish Access Collaborative Neurology Specialty Group
This is part of a major collaborative project to sustainably improve NHS waiting times for non-emergency procedures in Scotland. Stephanie Fraser sits on this on behalf of the Alliance.
Read the Neurology Specialty group webpage.
Managed Service Network (MSN) on Neurosurgery
This body provides the strategic leadership and co-ordinates activities across the four adult and two child neurosurgery units in Scotland to form a single neurosurgery service for Scotland. Tanith Muller sits on the Neurosurgery MSNC on behalf of the Alliance.