NAoS recommendations for better mental health support for people affected by neurological conditions

Mental health is casualty of poor coordination and funding between health service and third sector 

Lack of access to mental health services for people affected by neurological conditions is profoundly impacting the wellbeing of people across Scotland.   Our report released on 13 May 2024 to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week shows how the underfunded neurological third sector is struggling to cope with the volume and intensity of demand for mental health support amongst those affected by neurological conditions who cannot get support from the NHS. 

The report explains how early intervention to support mental health at the earliest stages of diagnosis of a neurological condition, often provided by third-sector specialists, has a huge cost benefit.  This is particularly true for children and young people who are being routinely failed by long waiting times to access CAMHS as well as for those affected by complex, degenerative, or fluctuating conditions.

Read our report here

Back the 1 in 6

One in six people in the UK live with a neurological condition. But long treatment delays are having a profound impact on people and causing a mental health crisis.

Our 2021/2 report which was based on the experiences of over 800 people in Scotland, warns of the difficulties have been facing in accessing treatment and care, including mental health support. We are also very concerned to see that people are often not provided with meaningful information about their condition.

This has to change.

Read our report here.


About Us

An estimated one million people in Scotland live with a neurological condition that has a significant impact on their lives.

The Neurological Alliance of Scotland is an umbrella body of organisations that represent people with a neurological condition and those who support them. We work to improve the care and support that people receive.

In partnership with our members we inform policy, raise awareness and support improvements in services. We aim to make sure that the experiences of people with neurological conditions - and those around them - are recognised.

We do this by raising these issues directly with the Scottish Government, NHS bodies and other groups; and by contributing to publications and consultations, sharing information between members, and working with other bodies on common issues. 

Together we can improve the lives of people living with neurological conditions in Scotland. Join us.

Please see here for more information on Our Strategic Aims.

Read our 2023/24 Impact Report for a summary of what we achieved last year. 

Our Team

Our members elect an executive group of 11 members to oversee the governance of the Alliance.

Current Executive

Read our Constitution

Read our Annual Accounts to March 2023

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